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did i manage my project effectively , did I require the use of my contingency plan?

Updated: May 7, 2021

During the production of the artefact I made many assets most of which where used within the project with the exception being the 3d model for the hazmat in the end we had to refer to my contingency plan which was “in the event we cannot deliver the alternative plan is to piece to gather what we have at the given time and try to create the game with the assets that are available at the time” due to lack of knowledge within the unreal engine I was not able to apply the model for hazmat guy and had to settle for a material change for the hands of the default unreal engine character, the reason I chose to do this is because only the hands will be visible so I created a rubbery yellow material within substance painter and imported it into unreal and applied it to the hands which looks great I’m pleased with this compromise.

During the project we did not meet our milestones such as an alpha release and small beta program by 10th of February this was a fairly unrealistic milestone that would have required a significant amount of effort from both of us to reach this milestone. We did however get feedback from a video of our us playing the game that was showcased during an online class, the feedback from this helped tremendously.

Throughout the production of our artefact, we used a shared cloud-based storage solution called OneDrive which allowed us to both access files that we may require both at home and at collage. Thankfully, none of our files went corrupt or missing however in the event that this happened I have backups on my pc, and on the OneDrive, in the event of a drive failure I have my project backed up onto my secondary hard drive this lowers the chance of losing the project since id have to lose two hard drives and OneDrive would also have to go missing.

Despite not hitting milestones I did meet most of my personal goals such as creating the donut assets to a good quality, and the cherry asset that functions as intended with the rolling mechanics.

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